Developer Home
The ReconstructIt SourceForge page is where you will find the latest news and discussion (if any) about ReconstructIt. The pages here provide additional resources.
ReconstructIt is (AFAIK) the only open source / free software program for traffic accident reconstruction (please correct me if I'm wrong). This is one of those "unsexy" itches that very few programmers wake up wanting to scratch.
It is a great opportunity to make a contribution and extend free software to new areas. Most existing programs in this area are very expensive, and many (most?) people who work in the field are not "geeks" who are going to write their own software.
To help, start by checking out the module reconstructitpython from See the cvs page for more details.
Send diffs or files to me at If things go well you will get cvs access eventually.
ReconstructIt is written in the Python programming language.